Sunday, July 12, 2009

In less than 15 hours time, NYPCO is going to perform the 3rd time in the Esplanade Concert Hall for the Beautiful Sunday program. I hope the concert crowd would not be much affected by the H1N1 and there would be a huge crowd later on at the concert hall and not Singaporeans trying to avoid crowded places so that it would lower their chance of getting H1N1.

Songs of the concert only managed to came in full on Friday. I can really see everyone's effort in this concert especially the cello/bass section. Though I sent a few messages feeling very pissed off with some member's attitude but my intension was to get everyone to come down for sectional practices and make sure they are clear of the songs and perform well on stage! No hard feelings with those messages ok?

It’s the moment that we have been practice for so hard for. Let’s make this Beautiful Sunday concert a successful one. NYPCO Beautiful Sunday 2009 演出成功!

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