Thursday, December 4, 2008

My lappy died on me on Monday morning; I totally could not on it at all. I'm left with no choice but to send it to the hospital for a 5 day stay. It would only be back the coming Tuesday. I'm really super thankful to my cousin who lends me his lappy for a week. Without his lappy I think I might just die and flung all my tests.

I have got so many things to blog about but I'm really lazy to blog whenever I reach home after a tiring day in school. I shall sum up what I remember and blog it now. Haha.

This week has been a super havoc week for me, I have to submit my AIM project brief, get ready for 3 lab test (NT, AIM and IS) and a 120 question to study DDI quiz. I'm super glad that it's Thursday today and I'm done with my project brief, NT and AIM lab test. Tomorrow is Friday the last day of the week, IS lab test and a 120 question quiz and I'm done with it this week.

The coming week is suppose to be a super happy week for those who are now working because it's Public Holiday on Monday. But for the coming week I'll be having my common test. I will be having DDI on Tuesday, Cost Accounting on Wednesday and RAD on Thursday. I have not started studying till now yet. I hope that this weekend is enough for me to get things done!

After all these things it would be Kai Yi's 21th Birthday celebration and a Malaysia getaway trip. I'm super looking forward to it. 加油加油!

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