Thursday, October 1, 2009

Little things, big smiles

Peipei did something that really brightens up the dull FYP day of mine.

She sent a message to me asking me to wake up because September is already over. It's a inside joke of "Wake me up when September ends" in secondary school. She really makes me miss all those old times in secondary school where we had lots of fun.


Something we have done during FYP that makes me feel that FYP is something fun other than facing the desktop, ** and !#$#%$#*&^ everyday. We had so much fun taking all these photos with our favourite celebrities, credits to Sheng taking the photos.

Awww, dont envy me too much because I get to take photo with Jay Chou.

I do not need to go to school for FYP tomorrow. Cheers to weekends!

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