Monday, September 8, 2008

Counting down: 5 more days to end moon cake job. (I cant wait for it to end so badly)

I've been facing moon cakes and moon tarts for the past 7 days. I'm getting so sick of it. It is really super boring at work. How I wish time pass faster and I would end my moon cake job right now and get all the money for shopping. There is nothing much to update about the moon cake job for now. Haha.

I went for a supper gathering together with my girlfriends. It has been really very long since I last saw them all. I miss all of them so much. I love the feeling that we ordered different varieties of food and share it together. While eating we shared how each other spend own lives recently. Although we are all in different poly now, but I still really feel this very special bond that is pulling all of us together till now, 2 years since we left secondary school. Girlfriends please do not let anything break this bond. (:

Some photos for now.

Food we ordered.

Girlfriends. Pearlyn was helping us to take this photo. -.-

If I say I miss going to NYPCO practices would anyone believe me? Haha. Even though I do feel the stress during practices but it is still so much better than staying at work. I miss talking rubbish with HanHan (I miss her so much) and disturbing Gen during practices.

Happy 9th Months Dearest!

Off to bed now. I need to wake up at 830 tomorrow. -.-

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