Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you name them. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this. Have FUN!
1. Kwen
2. Siying
3. Kellyn
4. Drusilla
5. Peiwen
6. Pearlyn
7. Xinger
8. Geneviene
9. Roxanne
16. Jialong
17. Monika
18. Farah
19. Jeffrey Tok
20. Perry
A.) How did you meet 14? (Shing)
NYPCO. She's the chairwoman!
B.) What would i do if i never met 1? (Kwen)
I might be single? Haha.
C.) What if 9 & 20 dated? (Roxanne, Perry)
They are currently dating.
D.) How about 6 & 17? (Pearlyn, Monika)
Maybe. My sister loves pearl's hair.
E.) Describe 3. (Kellyn)
She's my bestie.
F.) Is 8 Attractive? (Geneviene)
Yeah. She's bubbly and has great complexion.
G.) Describe 7. (Xinger)
She's a crazy girl. She's also my cello bestie.
H.) Do you know any of 12's family members? (Jiawen)
I.) What would you do if 18 confessed that he/she likes you? (Farah)
She might not even do that!
J.) What language does 15 speak? (Daniel)
Chinese and English.
K.) Who is 9 going out with? (Roxanne)
L.) How old is 16? (Jialong)
M.) When is the last time you spoke to 13? (Coconut)
Sunday at CS!
N.)What's 2's favourite band/singer? (Siying)
Joe! Sure correct.
O.) Would you ever date 4? (Drusilla)
Nah. She's attached.
P.) Would you ever date 1? (Kwen)
I'm dating him!
Q.) Is 19 single? (Jeffrey Tok)
Nope. He's with my poly bestie, Wendee.
R.) What is 10's last name? (Wendee)
Toh Pei Yun, Wendy
S.) Would you ever date 11? (Agnes)
No. She's attached too.
T.) What is 3's School? (Kellyn)
U.) Where does 16 live? (Jialong)
V.) What is 5's favourite thing? (Peiwen)
B&J Ice-cream.
W.) Have you seen 2 naked? (Siying)
No. But dru did seen it.
Tagging ..
Xinger, Gen, Wendee, Peipei and Pearlyn